
The Great and Terrible implementation of MPI-2

function index


Complete a split collective write using shared file pointer
int MPI_File_write_ordered_end(
  MPI_File mpi_fh,
  void *buf,
  MPI_Status *status


[in] file handle (handle)
[out] initial address of buffer (choice)
[out] status object (Status)


MPI provides a restricted form of "nonblocking collective" I/O operations for all data accesses using split collective data access routines. These routines are referred to as "split" collective routines because a single collective operation is split in two: a begin routine and an end routine. The begin routine begins the operation, much like a nonblocking data access (e.g., MPI_FILE_IREAD). The end routine completes the operation, much like the matching test or wait (e.g., MPI_WAIT). As with nonblocking data access operations, the user must not use the buffer passed to a begin routine while the routine is outstanding; the operation must be completed with an end routine before it is safe to free buffers, etc.

Split collective data access operations on a file handle fh are subject to the semantic rules given below.

  • On any MPI process, each file handle may have at most one active split collective operation at any time.


  • Begin calls are collective over the group of processes that participated in the collective open and follow the ordering rules for collective calls.


  • End calls are collective over the group of processes that participated in the collective open and follow the ordering rules for collective calls. Each end call matches the preceding begin call for the same collective operation. When an "end" call is made, exactly one unmatched "begin" call for the same operation must precede it.


  • An implementation is free to implement any split collective data access routine using the corresponding blocking collective routine when either the begin call (e.g., MPI_FILE_READ_ALL_BEGIN) or the end call (e.g., MPI_FILE_READ_ALL_END) is issued. The begin and end calls are provided to allow the user and MPI implementation to optimize the collective operation.


  • Split collective operations do not match the corresponding regular collective operation. For example, in a single collective read operation, an MPI_FILE_READ_ALL on one process does not match an MPI_FILE_READ_ALL_BEGIN/ MPI_FILE_READ_ALL_END pair on another process.


  • Split collective routines must specify a buffer in both the begin and end routines.


  • No collective I/O operations are permitted on a file handle concurrently with a split collective access on that file handle (i.e., between the begin and end of the access). That is
                    MPI_File_read_all_begin(fh, ...); 
                    MPI_File_read_all(fh, ...); 
                    MPI_File_read_all_end(fh, ...); 
    is erroneous.


  • In a multithreaded implementation, any split collective begin and end operation called by a process must be called from the same thread. This restriction is made to simplify the implementation in the multithreaded case. (Note that we have already disallowed having two threads begin a split collective operation on the same file handle since only one split collective operation can be active on a file handle at any time.)

The arguments for these routines have the same meaning as for the equivalent collective versions (e.g., the argument definitions for MPI_FILE_READ_ALL_BEGIN and MPI_FILE_READ_ALL_END are equivalent to the arguments for MPI_FILE_READ_ALL). The begin routine (e.g., MPI_FILE_READ_ALL_BEGIN) begins a split collective operation that, when completed with the matching end routine (i.e., MPI_FILE_READ_ALL_END) produces the result as defined for the equivalent collective routine (i.e., MPI_FILE_READ_ALL).

For the purpose of consistency semantics, a matched pair of split collective data access operations (e.g., MPI_FILE_READ_ALL_BEGIN and MPI_FILE_READ_ALL_END) compose a single data access.


Example Code

The following sample code illustrates MPI_File_write_ordered_end.

Insert code here.